Sunday 28 August 2011

The Three knocks in the night-PART II

It was late at night and Ida was in her room  reading a letter from her friend  when she  heard  a discreet cough from the verandah. She opened the door and  a young Indian stood there,tall and grave and dignified. Even if she had not recognized him as one of the town’s leading Brahmins, she would have known he belonged to this highest priestly caste by his dress.
“What is it?”asked Ida."Can I do anything for you?”
So agitated was the young man that when he lifted his hands in a gesture of greeting she could see that they were trembling.
“Oh,yes ammal!”The voice too,well modulated and speaking in cultured English ,was unsteady."I desperately need your help. My wife, a young girl of 14, is dying in childbirth. The barber woman can do nothing for her and says she must die. And, ammal, she is such  a lovely girl! I heard that you had come to India from America and thought you might help her.”
“Oh!”exclaimed Ida in swift sympathy."I’m so sorry .But it’s my father you want, not I .He’s the doctor. He’s right next door in his study. Come, I’ll take you to him.”About to lead the way, she found passage to the verandah blocked by  a shape as unyielding as one of its square white posts. The anxious young husband had vanished. In his place stood a haughty  and outraged Brahmin.
“What! Take  a man into my house to care for my wife? No man other than those of her family has ever looked upon her. You don’t know what you say!”

“B-but”, stammered Ida,” surely ,to –to save her life-"

“It is better that she should die," returned the young man, “than that another man should look on her face.”

Ida stared at him."You- you can’t mean that." But she could see that he did. She tried again."I’ll go with my father", she promised."He’ll tell me just what to do, and I’ll do it. He wouldn’t even have to touch her.”

The young man turned without answering and started away."Wait!"cried Ida."Don’t go yet –please!"She had to find a way to stop him."You-you said she was young and beautiful. And she’s suffering, maybe even dying. You said so yourself. Don’t you-don’t you care?”

The young Brahmin turned-“Then you will not come ammal?”His eyes looked out at her through the mask, tortured and somehow accusing.She shook her head miserably."It would do no good .I-I don’t know anything. I’d be no better than-than  the barber’s wife."Nor as good, she added to herself silently. For, crude and unsanitary though they might be ,the barber woman ,traditional midwife,had her instruments and her techniques. She had nothing.She watched him turn away and go down the steps, into the darkness."Why?" she demanded fiercely, turning to her father."Why?"

He patted her shoulder."Because," he said gently, “it’s the rule, the custom.It would violate the caste law.”
"Custom –law-"She choked on the words.But always before, she understood suddenly, these had seemed quaint and at times amusing customs, not-not matters of life and death.

“Our friend,” comforted her father, “is  a deeply religious man. We must respect him for it.”
“Respect!”She backed away from him,eyes flashing."When he’s letting her suffer, maybe die,a-a girl not much more than  a child!”
“Perhaps,”said Dr.John gently “he’s sacrificing more for his conviction than we are for ours.He looked to me as if he really loves his little wife.Go back to your room now ,child, and forget it.”
“Yes. It’s a lesson I learned long ago. If I hadn’t I couldn’t have borne it to live in a country where there is so much suffering and despair. If there is nothing you can do to remedy a bad matter ,it’s the part of wisdom to forget it.”

Ida went back to her room .Her father was right,ofcourse.If there was nothing you could do ,it was better to forget.She began writing furiously,telling Annie,her friend,all the reasons she could think of for not wanting to live in India and not wanting to be a missionary. Her pen fairly flew over her pages.

When the sound of footsteps came again,she sprang up to her feet.Perhaps the young Brahmin had changed his mind and had come back for her father.

“I thought you’d come back”,she began eagerly,before the figure in the shadows had  a chance to speak."I was sure you really cared-"
She stopped abruptly.It was not the young Brahmin.
"Salaam Madam.May Allah give you peace.If you could help me-"
The voice was hesitant ,diffident,the face of a dark blur between the long tightly buttoned coat and the white brocaded cap .
“Of course”,said Ida automatically."What can I do for you,sir?"
"It’s my wife ",said the man gently."She has had other children ,but this time the little one does not come. There is no one to help her but an ignorant ,untrained woman.I am afraid she is dying .Please forgive me for troubling you."
Ida could not believe her ears.It was just in stories that such coincidences occurred, not in real life.

“I have heard there is a doctor here”, he continued hesitantly, “one not long since come from America.”
“Oh,yes!”Ida’s dismay evaporated. God was being good.He was giving them a chance to make up for failing the little 14 year old girl. If one must die, another should live. This man was a Muslim.He would be bound by no laws of caste."Wait!" she told him impetuously, brushing past him and running along the verandah.

"Here’s my father",she explained breathlessly, returning a moment later with Dr.John."He’s the doctor you are looking for. But if you like, I’ll be glad to go with him and help."
“Madam, you do not understand our ways. Only the men of her immediate family even enter a Muslim women’s apartment. It is you, a woman, whose help I came seeking, not a man.”His voice was apologetic but firm.
Ida stared at him incredulously.“But I can’t help you”, she replied."It’s you who don’t understand. I’m not even a nurse. I know nothing about midwifery, absolutely nothing. I’d be glad to help you if I could."
“Then my wife must die",returned the Muslim with stolid resignation.”It is the will of Allah.”
The girl watched him go down the steps and disappear. Then, without even glancing at her father, she fled into her room and shut the door.

It was then that the third call came.
“Ammal?”a diffident voice murmured.
She moved mechanically toward the door ,not daring to hope. But if it should be one of them, let it be the tall Brahmin, with the tortured eyes and the little wife who was just fourteen and so very beautiful. She lifted the lamp from the desk as she passed.

It was neither the Brahmin nor the grave Muslim. She recognized this man as the father of one of her pupils in the Hindu girls’ school, a respected member of the Mudaliar caste.
“Kamla?”The child’s name sprang to her lips in response to the urgency in the man’s face."Is she sick? Has anything happened?"
“Illai, no. Not Kamla, Missy Ammal.” The man spoke in stilted, halting English."But I have trouble. Much trouble."He lifted his hands palm to palm as his eyes implored her."I beg Missy, come to my house. I need much help."
Her eyes widened in horror. Her lips felt dry."Not—not your wife-"
"Amma,yes."He returned her look with wonder."How did Missy know? She is sick, much sick."Suddenly he was prostrating himself before her on the verandah floor, touching her feet."I beg Missy Ammal to come.If she come not,my wife dies."
"Please –don’t kneel to me!"Ida drew back so swiftly that the lamp flared.
"The Missy Ammal will come?"
"But –it would do no good for me to come!"she repeated the words tonelessly."I’m not  a doctor.It’s my father who is the doctor.Let me call him.I’m sure he can do something for your wife.If-if you’ll just let him-"
She knew the answer even before he lifted himself to his feet, revealing the outraged dignity, the bitterness of disappointment. No need even to listen to his words of shocked protest. She had heard them all twice before. But she did listen.
“The Missy Ammal will come? “he pleaded again finally.
"I’m sorry. I’d go with you if it would do any good .But it wouldn’t. Can’t you understand? The voice rose to a higher pitch, held suddenly a hint of hysteria."There’s nothing-nothing at all-that I could do!".This time she did not tell her father. After the man had turned and gone away, she shut the door tightly and bolted it.

As she lay on her bed, somewhere in the distance a nightjar began his restless hawking.
Chuck-chuk-chuk-r-r-r!            Chuck-chuk-chuk-r-r-r   !      Chuck-chuk-chuk-r-r-r!
Funny how often things seemed to come in threes, even the call of birds!Temptations.The crowing of cocks.A voice speaking to  a young boy as he lay wakeful, like this, on his bed. Samuel had known just what to do when he heard his name called three times. He had not only known just what to do. He had wanted to do it.There had been only one Samuel lying on his bed waiting, listening.But here there were two Idas, one tremulously aware, the other rebelling with every fiber of her taunt body. As the night wore on they struggled ,one with the other.

“It’s nonsense!God doesn’t speak to people these days.”

No? You have eyes to see things, haven’t you, like children lying by the roadside? Ears to hear people coming to your door?

"But –it’s not my fault if they’re foolish enough to let their wives die!It’s nothing to me!"

Isn’t it? Women like yourself ,loving life, one of them only fourteen-

"Stop! Didn’t  my father tell me it’s better to forget  a bad matter?"

If there is nothing you can do to remedy it.

“But there is nothing.”

Nothing? With three women dying less than a mile away for want of a woman doctor? With millions more-

“No,no,I couldn’t do that!Not if God himself were to ask me!”

Can’t you understand,Ida Scudder?It’s God himself who is asking.

Morning came. Rising with sudden urgency, she slipped her feet into her sandals and stepped out on the verandah only to be met by a funeral procession. She caught sight of a servant and called him. She asked him to find out what had happened to the three women. It was less than an hour when he returned.
“You did what I asked you,Souri?”
Amma ,I did so Missy.”
“And the three women who were sick?”
“Dead”,replied Souri.
She gasped,"You- you don’t mean –all three of them?"
Amma.All three of them,Missy.”
She shut the door and fled back into her room. Throwing herself on the bed ,she buried her head in the pillow and cried.
It wasn’t fair.Life wasn’t supposed to be like this. And death. She had thought it was necessary to die only once. But already today she had died thrice. Must it be so everyday to the end of life,not just three times but as many times as there were dying women within the possible reach of one’s hands?
“No,no!”This time the cry was too deep within her to be spoken aloud, “I-I can’t,I tell you! How –how can you ask it of me?
She rose finally from her bed, opened the door ,and walked briskly along the verandah. She found her father and mother together  in the bedroom study.
“I’m going to America and study to be a doctor,” she announced steadily, “so I can come back here and help the women of India.”

And that decision, friends, of a young teenager, gave rise to one of the biggest hospitals in the country-The Christian Medical College and Hospital,Vellore founded by Dr.Ida Sophia Scudder.

Saturday 27 August 2011

The Three knocks in the night-PART 1 (The story of the Christian Medical college and Hospital,Vellore,TamilNadu,India)

This is a true story that has had a profound effect on me ever since I heard it when I was barely three or four years old!It did affect my perspective on life and my view on missions.This has been taken from  'The torch of life' by Dorothy Clarke Wilson,a book on the biography of Dr.Ida Scudder,the founder of one of India's biggest mission hospitals.

(It was the year 1890.Sixteen year old Ida had come to visit her missionary parents in Vellore, India and take care of her mom who was sick. She couldn’t wait for her vacation to get over so that she could go back to the feel of fresh, clean air and to the warmth of a comfortable  living in the US.)
"Surely we don’t have to stay here!”she exclaimed."We don’t belong,and they don’t want us. Can’t we go home the first thing in the morning?"
Uncle Jared looked at her."What is your name,child?",he demanded sternly.
“You know what my name is,”she answered."Ida".
“Ida what?”
“Ida Scudder.”
“And what  does the name Scudder signify?”
Ida gave him a cool smile.
"The name Scudder,"she replied glibly, “maybe derived from  the Latin word scutari,which means shield bearers,or it may come from the Anglo-Saxon ‘scudari’,meaning to scud along before the wind.In either case-"

“In either case,it is not  a name for cowards .The shield bearer does not wear his implement of defense on his back.He who scuds before the wind runs ahead of the obstacle,not away from it. I assume the granddaughter of Dr.John Scudder the First has been told the story of her forebears?”.

"You assume correctly, brother," replied Dr.John II promptly."But it would do no harm to tell her again".

Ida listened. Uncle Jared had  a way with words."The first Dr.John,her grandfather, a successful New York physician, picking up  a pamphlet in the drawing room of a wealthy patient  back in 1819,reading about ‘The Claims of Six hundred millions’, determining inspite of his father’s protests to offer himself as the first medical missionary to go out from America to  a foreign country.Harriet Scudder,his beautiful young wife,sailing cheerfully with her husband  and two year old child on a 6 month voyage to faraway Ceylon,burying that child on a stopover in Calcutta ,bearing and burying two others within the next 18 months;then,as the years passed,not only working dauntlessly beside her husband but raising ten more children,eight sons and two daughters."

As her uncle talked ,Ida saw them all afresh,those eight sons of her grandfather.All but one of them (who had died while  a student in theological school)returned to India  after their education in America in their father’s footsteps….Henry,William,Joseph,Ezekiel,Jared,Silas and John.

"Our father had no horse and carriage," Uncle Jared said."He sometimes went by palanquin, usually on foot. He travelled constantly. On one tour he went to the Nilgiris and over them and down into the Mysore forests on the other side.He had narrow escapes from wild animals. He was taken sick with jungle fever.Someone brought word to our mother ,and she felt she must go to him.She hired bearers with a tent and provisions and,taking her small son,set off,travelling day and night through the jungle.Her bearers ran off and left her.Alone that night,she heard the tread of wild elephants,the growls of tigers drawing near,then receding.In the morning,the bearers returned ,and she went on.She found our father there in the forest and brought him back.Did you ever hear that story, Ida Scudder?”

“Yes”, Ida replied, gazing steadily up at her uncle.
He turned on her with fierce intensity."And do you think the sons of John Scudder-or his granddaughters-should turn tail and run when faced with hostility?"

But Ida would not be forced into  a mold.She was  a Scudder,yes,but she would choose for herself what shield to bear and what winds to run before. And they would not be laden with the dusts and rains and fires of India. But God had a beautiful purpose for Ida…a purpose that would be revealed by’three knocks in the night’.(to be continued)  

   -From The torch of life by Dorothy Clarke Wilson

Monday 8 August 2011

The Mouse Hunt....

The Tom and Jerry show!That was my favorite cartoon show for a good many years.I still enjoy watching it sometimes...I mean who doesn't love Jerry -the adorable,cute and smart little mouse?We all do.But REAL mice??That too in my house?No way!!Last week,I was shocked to discover that my house was invaded by a mouse!I had seen him scurrying across the living room and the dining hall a few times but before I could make a move,he would just vanish!I was waiting for the right opportunity to put an end to that horrid creature.

Last night was my chance.I saw him scuttle underneath the couch.I closed all the doors, blocking every chance of his escape.My maid and I,each with a broomstick in hand,had him cornered and pulled the couch forward to whack him dead.But to our surprise, he was nowhere in sight.We were confused ..He couldn't have escaped.But wait...What was that hole in the couch?My new,expensive,imported sofa had a hole in it???!!!Ever since we had bought the couch,I had taken good care of it.I vacuumed it regularly,made sure it remained spotless, and I'd kill people with my looks if they ever rested their legs on it but that mouse had found its way 'into' the couch , apparently,by gnawing at the sofa material!'Just wait till I get my hands on you' I muttered as we upturned the heavy couch and started poking the cushion hoping he'd come out.But he refused to budge. I had to get rid of him no matter what.So, I had my maid watch over the trapped mouse while I went out to buy rat poison!I carefully placed it near the hole.He hasn't made an appearance yet but hopefully he'll be dead in a few days(that is,IF he consumes the poison!).But my expensive couch??The damage was done and there is nothing I can do about it now...all because of just one little mischievous mouse!I felt so bad!

The ruined couch!
That incident reminded me of something else...something to do with our daily walk with the Lord.We strive to live worthy of God,to please Him in every way but one small 'mousey' sin can take us down.Just a small gossip,just a tiny unclean thought,just a little lust can tear your life apart if left unattended to.The Bible warns us,'Be self controlled and alert.Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour'. I Peter 5:8.Be watchful! ALWAYS!

"The tempter stalks about me as a lion
Searching for the slightest sense of blood
For when the skin of my resistance is broken
He moves in swiftly to deepen the cut

Lord, I hunger for holiness
And I thirst for the righteousness that's Yours
That my mind would be cleansed and my spirit renewed
And this temple that You dwell in would be pure"

                                                             - Licciardello Carman D

PS:I was also reminded of the time when we did mouse-hunting as a family a few years ago.Our house was infested with mice back then .Mom and I would lure the mice towards Dad and bro -the actual murderers!All the shouting and shrieking used to be so much fun!

Sunday 7 August 2011

The Phonecall...

24hrs!!That's one FULL day and he still hadn't called.I kept checking my phone for any missed calls.None.What was he doing?What was he thinking?He can't be that busy.One single phonecall.That was all I wanted.I was hurt,infuriated and decided that I won't talk to him again(Well,atleast for some time).Wondering who that must be?I'm talking about my dad!I love him.Very much.He works abroad but still manages to talk to me everyday..and I mean EVERYDAY!But today was different.He hadn't called and I was bothered.(Ok,I know what you're thinking..I may be over 20 but I'm still  'daddy's little girl'!).

As I was lying down on the couch,venting out my emotions to my other Dad,you know my heavenly Dad,the thought struck me like a thunderbolt.I love Him too....actually more than anything in this world..with all my heart and soul.But how many times have I awaited for His 'phonecall' with the same eagerness? I know that He's never too busy for me and that I can talk to Him anytime I wanted but what about the eagerness? I do read His word,but sometimes lack the patience to listen to His still small voice.Well ,today he reminded me that I needed to spend more time in listening to Him rather than just doing all the talking by myself!

PS:Eventually my dad called me up the next day..said he had been busy with something..hmph..:(

Thursday 4 August 2011


Memories! As I was browsing through some of my family albums a few days back, they seemed to give me a sense of longing for those long gone childhood days -the carefree,fun days,all bright and sunny, when I really didn't have to worry about a thing in life.I didn't care about what people thought of me or how I looked or what my future held-no nothing.Oh! how I wished to have those golden days back!As I flipped through the pages of the album,I couldn't help but notice that over the years,metamorphosis had taken its toll on me in a way..The fair baby girl (by south-indian standards I mean)was gone and I look completely different now! Reminiscing back on childhood days,I vividly recalled some of those kodak moments like they all happened just yesterday..some of it bringing joy and some tears...Like I read somewhere,'Memory is a way of holding onto the things you love, the things you are, the things you never want to lose'. Sure enough,photos bring back memories that will be cherished for a lifetime!Thank God for memories!

`I remember the days of long ago; I meditate on all your works and consider what your hands have done'.Psalm 143:5

This pic is one of my favorites.. my first birthday..a priceless pic...

My blog-my diary!

Feels exciting to have finally created my own blog!..Blog reading has become a new hobby of mine,and as I was commenting on a blog post last week, an interesting idea suddenly hit me-Why don't I create my own blog?Well,I was hesitant for three reasons.One,I wasn't a great writer .Two,Noone would even bother to read my blog-Forget about finding it appealing! And three,I don't have the time for regular updates.

So why am I writing my blog ? Simple..This is for ME..-just for about the same reason one maintains one's journal.This blog is for me to read over and over the things I've learnt in the long run.Morever, someone said ,'If you want to be a good writer, read good writing. That, and practice'.So why not give it  a shot?Those of you who've come across this blog by accident or by intention-Happy reading!